Three sentence movie review: Rudderless


I didn’t see a lot of what was coming in this movie, including the fact that that is Billy Crudup on the cover.*  Both Crudup and the increasingly reliable (and intriguing) Anton Yelchin have great chemistry with Crudup playing the wasted and drifting old guy to Yelchin’s youthful enthusiasm.  There are women’s names listed on the poster, but this very satisfying movie is about men and the music that brings them together.**

Cost: free from library
Where watched: at home

*I mean, I could see his name right there at the top, but I thought they put some other grizzled guy on the cover.
**It also has a fabulous soundtrack.

poster from:

And what has HE been doing?

From an article in People magazine about the Ben Affleck/Jennifer Garner breakup.



Weird.  I don’t really understand what’s the driver behind magazines/media emphasizing how happily domestic famous women are, all while building their career and taking care of the children.  There is no such emphasis or constant need to reassure people that the male half of the couple is also happily domestic while building his career and taking care of the children.  Hands-on dad?  So nice that men can have that as a goal, instead of what’s required of them.

*This is not to say that the reporting in this piece accurately reflects anything about the Affleck/Garner relationship.  For all we really know, he could be the hands-on dad and she could be the person who builds her career and ignores her children.  I think we’re all media savvy enough to realize that what we read in the magazines might not (and probably isn’t) actually what’s really going on.