Three sentence movie reviews: Trainwreck


Halfway through my theater experience I realized that it would have been smarter to wait and watch a DVD copy of this movie, because the extras are probably going to be pretty good, what with the improve and what-have-you.  This was an entertaining movie, (but too long*) and peopled with a lot of really good cameos.  I think the reason behind the romance could have been better developed–for both of them it was more of a telling “I like him/her” than a showing–but overall the film hit its marks, was funny, and aside from her formidable comedic chops, I also enjoyed the vast variety of dresses Amy Schumer wore.**

Cost: $5.00
Where watched: Regal City Center Stadium 12

*Here’s what we’re going to do. Half of the country is going to take Judd Apatow and the other half is going to take Martin Scorsese and we are going to lock them in their editing rooms and make them trim their movies to acceptable lengths.
**Though her gait had me wondering if she is perhaps a person who does not wear high heels in real life.***
***Feeling guilty that I ended this critique of an actor-who-is-female by talking about dresses and shoes, but there you have it.

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(I do not believe she wore this dress in the movie.  The fact that it is on the poster bugs me.)

Quality book packaging equals uniform edges!



You’ve paid for the cutout book jacket, and someone to illustrate your book. Why not also pay to make sure all the pages end in the same place?  This ruffled edging is (I think) supposed to make the book look fancy, but really it just makes it hard to turn the page or to flip back through the book.  I find my thumb traveling down to the bottom of the page where the pages are even, because that’s the only way I can turn the pages.

Three sentence movie reviews: The Guard


I was glad I watched this with Matt because the buzz about this movie was that it was funny, but I only cracked a smile a few times, while Matt laughed many times.*  Regardless, this was an enjoyable film with Mr. Brenden Gleeson pulling in a great performance as a Guard who isn’t really that interested in following the rules. Don Cheadle (who always elevates his material) was also a good straight man.  Overall, a solid film, and really funny, if you are a guy/have a guy sense of humor.

Cost: free from library
Where watched: at home with Matt

*I think this would be a boy humor/girl humor difference.

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