We started our Minneapolis adventures with a taste test of the Juicy Lucy at the 5-8 Club. The Juicy Lucy (or Jucy Lucy) is a hamburger with cheese in the center and two different bars in Minneapolis claim to have invented this concoction. We visited the bar that spells it Juicy Lucy. There’s actually a wikipedia entry about this.
We began with the fried pickles, which were about as delicious as the coming together of “pickles” and “fried” can be. Not to mention the ranch dressing.
At the 5-8 Club you can get your choice of cheese. Apparently at Matt’s Bar (home of the Jucy Lucy) the only choice is American Cheese. I chose blue cheese. After following the instructions on the menu and from my waitress to wait until everything cools down a little, I took a bite. It was good. They also had jojos, but they came without seasoning.
Needing to walk off our dinner, we stopped at Sara and Shawn’s house (which apparently needs a name) and then walked down to the Mississippi River and over the Stone Arch Bridge (built by James J. Hill as a railroad bridge).
On the bridge you can see the four lanes, two each for bike and pedestrian.
On the other side of the river I caught this illuminated view.
And also this glowing sign with the moon. The sign can be seen in the first picture of the Stone Arch Bridge. It’s on the building that looks like it is directly under the lamp.