Three sentence movie reviews: Downton Abbey Season 5

I noticed a lot of plot points from previous seasons repeated themselves with different characters.*  While I will probably keep watching this just for the Dowager Countess and her witty repartee, I mostly was more interested in knitting my Hunger Games sweater than watching what was going on.  I’m hoping we’re done fully exploring the various circumstances surrounding Mr. Green’s death.

Cost: free
Where watched: mom’s house.
*Mr. Bates trying to fix his limp was replicated with Thomas attempting to cure himself of his homosexual urges, Mr. Bricker’s entering Cora’s bedroom was much like Mary and Mr. Pamook.

Three sentence movie reviews: The Fast & The Furious

fast_and_the_furiousHaving just watched Furious 7, I felt compelled to go back and remember why I like these movies so much.  This is the movie that sets the stage and introduces us to a bunch of our series regulars, as well as establishing that Vin Diesel, while he might beat someone nearly to death while his sister repeatedly yells his name, will not kill someone by shooting a gun.  Favorite moment:  Paul Walker breaking into a huge smile, pointing at Vin Diesel and saying “I nearly had you!” as well as Vin Diesel’s response.

Cost: $2.99 from Amazon Instant Video.
Where watched: at mom’s house (she has a smart TV)

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