Three sentence movie reviews: Short Term 12

Sometimes when there is a lot of tremendous gushing about a movie* it scares me off and that’s one reason it took me so long to catch up with this fabulous film.  However, I should not have tarried, as this has an interesting setting (“short-term” care facility for troubled youth) and great female character in the lead as well as an excellent romantic interest.  It’s sweet without being saccharine and hard without being formidable and I highly recommend you search it out.

Cost: free from Library’s Hoopla
Where watched: at home

*The Filmspotting podcast I listen to could not say enough good things about this movie.

poster from:

An ambling type of day.

I had a few hours between appointments on a lovely Saturday, so I did something I rarely do.  I wandered about with no real goals in mind.  It was a beautiful day to do so.

This lilac impresses me with the amount of blooms it has managed to produce.

In Massachusetts I lived in what was called a Philadelphia-style house.  I just googled the term and results seem to indicate that this term is only used in the Boston area to descibe a two-family house.  At any rate, they were everywhere in the Boston area and I don’t often see them here.  So I took a picture of this one, which is not only a Philidelphia-style house, but said house seems to have managed to escape the sprucing up most houses have undergone in this neighborhood.

It was record store day.  This is a line to get into one of Portland’s record stores.

I ate my lunch here.  I did not try their delicious flan.  That term is an oxymoron in my book.  But every time I run across flan, I think of the Birthday Flan in one of the episodes of Friends and I smile.  That Birthday Flan got what it had coming to it.