Three sentence movie reviews: Girls Season 3

Season three continued the uneven plotting that appeared in previous seasons and as usual, I was quite happy to overlook this, because I enjoy the show.  The girls are getting older, (25) and do/do not seem to be settling in their lives.  Great performances from all made this required viewing and I’m hoping that I don’t have to wait another year for Season 4 to appear on DVD.

cost: free from library
where watched: at home

poster from: amazon

Postcards from Louisana, Texas, and three from Pennsylvania.

Regular commenter Heather sent me a passel of postcards from her travels.  Here they are.

This is from the stopover in New Orleans where the Wolf Pack rode one of these carriages through the French Quarter.

Everyone’s favorite Pennsylvania town: Intercourse.    Heather also lists other dubious names in the area:  Bird-in-hand, Blue Ball, Paradise, Virginville, Smoketown and Mountville.

Here’s a pretty one from Texas.  This is where they celebrated L’s fourth birthday.

I do very much enjoy unusual recipe postcards.  Perhaps someday I will make myself a shoo-fly pie.  I notice that this recipe card makes two pies. That’s a lot of shoe-fly pie.

I love this incredibly long laundry line.  I wonder if they hang their unmentionables somewhere else?