I lived downtown from 2002 to 2005. Back then, a few of my jogging routes would take me through Northwest Portland, so between that and walking around, I had a pretty good lay of the land. I had to be at 24th and Northrup, so I walked from Union Station through the neighborhood just to see what had changed.
In short: nearly everything. Huge buildings where there once were none, huge multi-unit places where once there was a house, stores, stores, stores, restaurants, restaurants, restaurants and parking just as horrible as it always was.
So I was thrilled to come upon the Northrup Food Center, which has not been bought, torn down, spiffed up ironically, or anything else. It looks exactly like it did a decade ago.
I love the incredibly grimy 70’s white rock.
I spied an R2D2 hidden away. Old promotion maybe?
Whoever takes over this property has a lot of junk to dispose of.
Here’s a link from 2008 about a mural on the other side of the building. I’m not sure if its still there.
Here’s a link from 2010 about the man who owns the building which also provides insight about why the store hasn’t been redone.