Julie came over for a day of sewing and she helped me lay out the material. So it was speedy, taking us only 10 minutes. She also got to see first-hand how lazy a sewist I am. “Aren’t you going to line up that grainline?” she asked at one point. I shrugged and she adjusted it.

Here we are 90 minutes in and it’s looking like a robe. The material is this great fabric I got from Rose City Textiles in their bargain room.
This was also the point in which the directions and I became estranged. The way I was reading the instructions for the cuff ended up not making much sense, so I finally just added the cuff the way I thought it would work.

And done! I really like it! It’s very soft and cozy and is the perfect length for a robe.

And here is the final tally. Although you have to add the hour I spent taping the pattern. But I still consider four hours “an afternoon.” Color me happy, Seamwork. I also added snaps to the front to keep it closed. Worked great.