Day: August 23, 2014
HabitRPG Back to School Tips #1
Remember me talking about Habit RPG? I’m still using it and it’s still helping me accomplish a lot. Here are five days of “Back to School” tips for how Habit can make your life easier.
Today’s tip is:
Habit helps you automate regular tasks, especially ones that only happen on certain days.
I do my best to keep up with my banking, because keeping track of what I spend helps me not spend money. But I’ve always been good at putting off this task. Until I used Habit’s ability to specify dailies (which are daily tasks) on only certain days.
Instead of failing at building the habit of updating my banking every day (because who wants to do that?) I changed my habit to a daily of “banking no more than three days out” and designated the days the task needs to be done as Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. This means that not only do I have some leeway (if it’s Thursday and I updated on Tuesday, I can successfully check off the task) but that the task is done often enough it doesn’t become overwhelming, but not so often I never do it.
Interested and intrigued? Join HabitRPG today. It’s free.
Walk to work. The sunrise edition.
Three sentence movie reviews: Bernie
This was the second in our Richard Linklater double feature and I still loved it as much as the first time. I think Jack Black would have made a great musical picture star* if that was still happening in the movie world today. I think the scene where the guy at the lunch counter explains the different parts of Texas to us is my favorite of the locals.
Cost: Netflix DVD prince
Where watched: at C & M’s. M declined to watch this one and actually didn’t watch it.
*As observed by someone, perhaps Richard Linklater.