I’m going to start by saying this is a horrible title, so bad that even after I saw the movie I kept seeing the title and thinking, “What’s that movie about?”* However, aside from the forgettable title, I greatly enjoyed this movie that let Daniel Radcliffe be his very short self** and did me the great favor of introducing me to Zoe Kazan who was so very good I would like to see her in a multitude of things in the next decade before she ages out of the female actress demographic. If you enjoy witty banter and can recognize the Toronto skyline,*** this movie is for you.
Cost: free due to gift card.
Where watched: Lloyd Center 8 (the one in the mall) with maybe 4 other people because it was a sunny and warm August Sunday.
*Not only when I would see it in movie marquees, but even when it was in my own blog roll! So I knew I’d seen it, but couldn’t quite remember what movie it was.
**First time I’ve ever seen that for a male lead.
***It turns out I cannot recognize the Toronto skyline, so I spent a good 45 minutes driving myself crazy trying to decide in which big city they were living. When I recounted this trouble to the clerk at Fred Meyer, he said, “Doesn’t Toronto have that unique round building displayed prominently?” And I had to admit that I did not at all associate that unique building with the Toronto skyline. But now I do.