Three sentence movie reviews: Her

I was surprised to find this movie incredibly underwhelming, both in plot and visually.  Several times I found my eyes closing because it was interesting to listen to, though perhaps I just wanted a nap?  I want to blame the costumes–the men wore 40s-style wool baggy pants with 80s-style polo shirts tucked in and I found that very distracting,* but I’m guessing I wouldn’t have had that reaction if the plot was more interesting.

Cost:  $7.00
Where watched:  Living Room Theaters.

poster from:

*I also found Joaquin Phoenix’s mustache distracting.

Postcard from China, the Netherlands & China

Here’s a pretty one from China.  One of the things I list in my Postcrossing profile is that I collect quotes.  Here’s what this postcrosser said in response:
“You said that you want to collect quotes.  So I tell you, China to foreign postcard is 5 yuan (RMB)”
I giggled, I must admit.  I’ll have to revise that word to “quotations”

This is from Maya, who sends this lovely view of her hometown.  She lives with her dog and six cats.

This is a beautiful place in Beijing that used to belong to the Royal Family.