This is from Vladimir. He hopes I like his postcard. I do!
This is from my friend Sara (of Pike Schemes fame) to represent the “real” postcard world.
She also sent this postcard, which she made herself. Astute readers with long memories might remember this picture from this post back in 2012. I had the photo displayed prominently at my house because I loved it so, but Matt was not as much of a fan and was making noises about throwing it away, so I tucked it into Sara’s Christmas present that year. And she loved it too. But now it has come back to me as a beautiful postcard I can hang on my wall. I love it!
Note from the future. Several WEEKS after I received this post card, I was weeding out front when the mail carrier came by. “I just loved that picture of you in the denim overalls at the wedding!” she told me. “I laughed and laughed.” It took me a moment to figure out what she was talking about, but then I put it together and told her that it wasn’t me in the short-alls, and then gave her the background. Well done Sara!