New Glass!

My Aunt Carol has been on a clean and purge streak and boy, did I win.  Do I want the cactus glasses that were my Great-Uncle Tom’s?  Yep.  Do I want the cocktail glasses that were my grandmother’s?  Yes ma’am.
Uncle Tom’s cactus glasses. There were 12, but I’ve learned that they don’t stack well, so now there are 10.

Grandma’s cocktail glasses, which would be even more amazing if I had put them against something white, so you could see the fabulous color.

They have these pretty roses etched on them.

And this is fabulous.  It has a glass stir stick and I love the shape.  Plus, the cups stack.
And now I must purchase something to contain all this glassware.

What we still write and mail in these modern times.

Judging from the amount of shelf space devoted to thank you notes, one can extrapolate that the only thing people hand write and mail anymore are thank you notes.  This is a shelf at Target, where I had a gift card.  Maybe I will get some stationary, I thought to myself.  I was excited to see the huge selection they hand and then, as usual deflated to realize that 90% of the offerings are thank you notes.  Grrr.

Final Postcrossing Statistics.

More fun stats from my friends at Postcrossing:

Hello Patricia!

In 2013 your mailbox was happy 41 days!
Here are some more statistics about your account

 in Postcrossing:

Your numbers
2013 Ever
Postcards sent 51 51
Postcards received 50 50

Country ranking
By sent 9550th
By distance 9797th

Country distribution

In 2013 you sent postcards to…
postcards sent

Country Sent Travel (avg)
Germany 13 8
U.S.A. 11 7
Netherlands 6 7
Belarus 5 23
Russia 5 39
Ukraine 4 25
China 2 23
Taiwan 2 14
Brazil 1 10
Czech Republic 1 49
Poland 1 8
In 2013 you received postcards from…
postcards sent

Country Received Travel (avg)
Germany 10 10
U.S.A. 6 6
Netherlands 5 9
Russia 5 28
Belarus 3 30
Taiwan 3 21
Czech Republic 2 8
Ukraine 2 19
Australia 1 40
Austria 1 23
Brazil 1 38
Bulgaria 1 11
Finland 1 18
Hong Kong 1 21
Japan 1 10
Latvia 1 7
Poland 1 10
Portugal 1 12
Romania 1 8
Singapore 1 25
Spain 1 7
Sweden 1 11

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3 favourites

3 favourites

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3 favourites
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Three sentence movie reviews: She’s All That

I thought it was a travesty that the library didn’t have a copy of this movie, but upon repeat viewing, I realized the movie doesn’t hold up all that well.  Freddie Prinze Jr. is rather wooden, the main character is uneven and changes too rapidly. The two things I remembered from my first viewing (the dad answering wrong answers to Jeopardy and the dance scene at the prom) were still good, but overall the movie was not.

Cost:  free due to boyfriend going out of town and me poaching from the Netflix queue.
Where watched: at home.

Part two in the Paul Walker memorial retrospective.  And yes, his character was not very nice.
Also!  Dule!  From West Wing!

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Three sentence movie reviews: Mad Men Season 6

All the main characters had very good arcs to travel this season and there were several memorable moments throughout.  What will season seven bring? A good man for Peggy?  Something new for Joan?  A turning point for Don?  Pete actually getting a clue?  I’ve just realized that all those questions broke me three-sentence rule.

Cost:  $8.00 (rented in four parts each costing $2.00 from Videorama)
Where watched:  at home.

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Three sentence movie reviews: Out of the Furnace

This movie should win some sort of award for men who talk so low and mumbly the audience needs to sit forward a bit and say, “huh?” a lot.  Seriously, all four main guys could have used subtitles.  It’s also fairly dark and Woody Harrilson plays a bad, bad man.

Cost:  $3.00
Where watched:  Laurelhurst.

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