Where were these nine years ago?

When I wanted to start keeping a five-year diary (one page per day, four lines per year, five years on each page) I looked everywhere for one, including Powell’s and the Internet.  Nothing really worked, so I made my own.  What does Powell’s have today on their shelves? More than five different kinds.
This one looked promising.
I know someone who would like this one.

I’ve still got the rest of 2013 and all of 2014 to finish my current diary, but I’m tempted to buy one of these and hold it in reserve, just in case the drought returns at the end of 2014.

2 thoughts on “Where were these nine years ago?”

  1. Hmmm!!! I have actually almost purchased it many times. I've not really journaled much for the last many years. Some fits and starts, but nothing consistent.

    I almost got you one as well. Shawn and I had a whole conversation about how perfect they would be for you! 🙂

  2. Matt said the same thing via "I don't want to actually preserve a comment for all eternity and instead I will email you my comment." But actually, I'm on the fence if I want one of these kind or not. My "homemade" version had a lot of extra pages in the back to keep track of books and movies and I'm not sure these do. And I sort of like making my own. So interested parties of the world, don't take this as a reason to run out and buy me one. But thank you for thinking of me.

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