Mock Printz

I attended the Multnomah County Library’s Printz Workshop for the third year in a row.

Our job:  read 10 YA novels, get together and discuss and vote one novel the winner.  Above you see my top three choices.

We initially talked about the novels in small groups, voted and then gathered in a big group.  The results of our small group voting were:

The Fault in Our Stars  by John Green
Code Name Verity by Elizabeth Wein

We then had a large group discussion and voted again.  I was happy that some of the biggest champions for Code Name Verity (ahem, I was one of them)  were persuasive in our arguments.   The results were:

Code Name Verity
Fault in Our Stars

With Code Name Verity the winner, we knocked out the winner as  well as the books that had no votes and voted again for an Honor book.  Results:

Fault in Our Stars (53)
Seraphina (30)
Tiger Lily (22)

The 2013 winners?  Click here.  Note that one of our choices was an honor book.  None of the rest of the winners were on our list. 

One thought on “Mock Printz”

  1. I'm pretty bummed about TFiOS. I will get to Code Name Verity, though. I know you highly recommend. I love that you participate in this!

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