Wanna come along? Well, you missed the first part, because I didn’t think to take pictures. Imagine the Lombard Transit center, where I picked up the #4 and rode it over to Vancouver street. There, I disembarked and went to the
Dishman Community Center to swim. Finished there, I walked to MLK to grab the #6. Here we can switch to photos.
Across the street from this stop for the #6, are two houses, both alike in dignity/ in fair Portland where we lay our scene. They are also apparently owned by the same person, who painted them the same color.
Where I came from: Dishman.
I disembarked at Burnside and MLK to switch to the #20. I probably had enough time to walk up to the theater, but was hungry, and wanted to leave time for a lunch more substantial than popcorn. While at this stop the gentleman waiting with me asked me what I took the picture of. When I explained it was for my blog he asked, “Who reads it?” I told him that friends did and his reply was “Oh” and he ceased talking to me. This amused me. I guess I wasn’t a famous enough blogger for him.
I went with Tapalaya for food and had a very good pulled pork sandwich with two sides: collards with bacon and a black-eye pea salad.
Waiting for the #20 again. This was my longest wait of 20 minutes. O! Sunday schedule, why must you thwart me! Happily, my time was taken up by watching a disaffected youth cross Burnside, forcing cars to stop for him while he flipped them off. He then stood behind a pole that was part of the building across the street and in short order a police cruiser pulled up, parked and talked with him then searched. him. A second cruiser arrived to help with the search and a third cruiser showed up, searched him again and then took him away. He didn’t seem to be opposed to the idea and I wondered what story I missed there. Of note: the first police officer was a man, but the other two were women.
The #20 deposited me a block from my work, where I ran a quick errand.
Then walked to the Yellow Line and had to wait another 10 minutes.
From the Yellow Line, I disembarked and walked the final four blocks to my home. Thanks Trimet for ferrying me around.