I came away from this movie thankful that I’m not wealthy and don’t have an over-privileged daughter who only finds “real” while slumming in the ghetto. I can’t say I enjoyed this film; Anne Hathaway was good–she often “brings it”–but something was off. It may be that she didn’t look or talk like a teenager, yet many of her character’s motivations supposedly stemmed from being a teenager.
Cost: $2.75 from Videorama
Where watched: at home.
Channing Tatum screen time report: approximately 3 minutes, in the background. And yes, that was why I picked this movie. Only one more to go and I will have seen every feature-length film he is credited with on IMDB. Unfortunately, that one is Supercross: The Movie. It has a Rotten Tomatoes rating of 6%. I watch them so you don’t have to.