And after marinating in a rare two hours of all-women-being-awesome-on-film, it’s kind of head-shaking that not 24 hours later I was, by choice,* watching a complete and total boy-humor movie. And this movie is packed with boy humor encompassing pretty much every boy-movie cliche: poop, weed, masturbation, extraneous gore, urine, romance, alien invasions, random big action sequences, well-hung demons, and flirting with being a bad-ass. For something that was designed to make you think that a bunch of pot-head, 20-something name actors wrote this while they were high, it was pretty top-notch, managing to pack a whole lot in to a tightly-scripted movie that had me gasping for breath through my laughter several times.**
Cost: free due to birthday present.
Where watched: Laurelhurst. With Matt
*I picked it as the movie Matt would take me to for my birthday. Really.
**Seriously, if you are tuned into the boy humor, this movie is FUNNY. I can recommend it.