Month: October 2013
Postcards from the Netherlands and Virgina
I’ve had my eye on this corner since I moved to Kenton. I love the uber-tiny house on the left and all that space just ready for a fabulous yard. But the large tree that was on the lot has been removed. And I’m worried that that large yard space will soon be gobbled up by a large house much like the green guy next door. Who once upon was a much smaller house with a larger yard.
Oh infill, will there be any tiny houses with big yards left by the time I’m ready to move?
New Camera!!!!!
Let’s play! Here is Antares, looking grumpy that I have taken his picture.
Requiem: Canon PowerShot Digital Elph
The loyal part of me wants to repair you, but the sensible part won out. For less than the cost of repair, I now have a brand new camera. But you were always my first, little friend. And I won’t forget you.
Essay: On Not Going to Work.
Postcard from Germany
Postcard from Las Vegas, Nevada
I kind of think JD and I could be friends.
When the GPS just doesn’t cut it…
Three sentence movie reviews: Don Jon
Important porn warning: this movie is about porn and addiction, which I knew and was ready for, but I didn’t imagine that there would be so much porn imagery in the film itself.* I liked that Joseph Gordon-Levitt was so tightly wound that he was hard to watch–kind of the guy version of the pretty girl making herself ugly to get the Oscar nomination. I thought the addition issue was captured quite well and overall, this was a good solid film, and I heartily approved of the ending.
Cost: free (early birthday present)
Where watched: Living Room Theater with S. North.
*”I’m having porn flashbacks!” my movie-going companion texted me later.