Yvette sends me a card from Texel, which is an Island that is part of the Netherlands. The church is from her village. I love how upright the church is. I also love that the lambs are nursing. There is not a lot of nursing usually happening on the postcards.
Day: October 11, 2013
I’ve had my eye on this corner since I moved to Kenton. I love the uber-tiny house on the left and all that space just ready for a fabulous yard. But the large tree that was on the lot has been removed. And I’m worried that that large yard space will soon be gobbled up by a large house much like the green guy next door. Who once upon was a much smaller house with a larger yard.
Oh infill, will there be any tiny houses with big yards left by the time I’m ready to move?
New Camera!!!!!
With the sadness of the death of the old camera, comes the happiness of the new. This one is another Canon. It’s a PowerShot SX170IS. I’m not in love like I was with my previous camera. But I think we will like each other very much.
Let’s play! Here is Antares, looking grumpy that I have taken his picture.
Requiem: Canon PowerShot Digital Elph
Oh beautiful camera, you are not fixable. And this is a sad thing, because you have been my constant companion for the last six years.
I resisted getting a digital camera for a very long time. I had always enjoyed film photography, though I enjoyed it less once everyone else was suddenly carrying around a camera. Back in the day of print film, only the dorky film people with the big cameras could take the really good pictures. I liked being one of those people.
But a strange thing happened when I got you, darling camera. You were so small that I could carry you anywhere. I never had to decide if I was going to bring the camera along because you were so small that you just came with me everywhere. And, unlike all the small film cameras, you actually took good pictures.
And with the whole blog thing happening, and I had somewhere to put all those pictures I was taking aside from a drawer in my dresser. So we spent our years together, until that dreadful day when I dropped you and you split open.

The loyal part of me wants to repair you, but the sensible part won out. For less than the cost of repair, I now have a brand new camera. But you were always my first, little friend. And I won’t forget you.
The loyal part of me wants to repair you, but the sensible part won out. For less than the cost of repair, I now have a brand new camera. But you were always my first, little friend. And I won’t forget you.