Month: September 2013
Memo to middle-aged mom: No. One. Cares.
I’m writing this more than a month after I snapped the picture of this article/headline and I’m still annoyed. I understand that teenagers feel like everyone is watching them. It’s a developmental stage and they grow out of it. I have much less patience for adults who think the world is their audience, when the world could care less. Either wear the two-piece or don’t, but don’t inflict your psychodrama on the rest of us. Geez.
I pick up most of my library books from the hold shelf rather than the stacks. Along with the book comes a piece of paper with my name on it which, after having checked out the book, I fold into quarters and use as a bookmark. It’s quite handy. But imagine my surprise when I received a text message from my friend across town. What are the odds?
Well, not as wild as one would think. We are both in the same book group and that book was on our list for the monthy. And there are only 10 copies at the library, so that narrows the chances a bit. But still, funny that she would get the book right after me and a fun text-message surprise for my afternoon.
ps. We both liked the book.
pps. Which was Far Far Away by Tom McNeal.
Flowers? For Me?
No. They were delivered to one of our teachers. The delivery woman explained they were for the teacher’s daughter, but I was to give them to the teacher. I put the flowers in the office and passed along the note that her daughter’s flowers were there, assuming she knew the drill. She did not, however, because she arrived in the office thinking they were flowers from her daughter to her.
They were not. They were from her daughter’s ex-boyfriend congratulating the daughter on her recent engagement, with a very passive aggressive message that made all of us roll our eyes and chuckle. Needless to say, the daughter wasn’t interested in said flowers and was out of town, so guess who got to keep the flowers? Me! Thanks ex-boyfriend! I loved them.
Catio Tour. Last stop.
I liked this one because it looked like a normal yard. The overhang keeps the cats from jumping over the fence, but otherwise looks fairly normal.
Catio Tour stop five.
Catio tour. Stop the fourth.
Third Catio.
Second Catio
First stop on the Catio Tour
Our first stop: The Skybridge Hideaway that just happens to be near Aunt Pat’s house.
From the street you can see the overlook so the cats can see what goes on outside the fence.