Another good card, also not from Postcrossing, but from one half of Pike Schemes. I love Summer Sara.
Postcard from WDC
Another good card, also not from Postcrossing, but from one half of Pike Schemes. I love Summer Sara.
I loved, loved, loved this movie, finding it a great time capsule of that mid-20s stage when embryonic adults* are just finding their way. It was also quite funny and sweet and chock full of details that felt very familiar to me. I can see how the main character might grate on people, but I fell squarely on the side of amused adoration.
Cost: $3.00
Where watched: Laurelhurst
*granted, the main character was 27 and not super embryonic, but sometimes it takes time to find your way. Believe me, I know.
While I was waiting at the light, I could see hordes of other finishers crossing the intersection behind me, but by the time I got my camera the light had changed and I missed out on a great picture.
I watched these backwards, the proper order is Torso, Bust, Arms* and I learned a lot. Each video was 30-40 minutes and clearly showed the changes that could be made to ensure a perfect fit. I’m thankful that my library carries these, as they are quite expensive (and not worth that amount of money) to buy.
Cost: free from library
Where watched: at home.
*there is also waist and hips, but I’m doing a shirt so I didn’t get that one.
In a corner of my living room are two objects that hold what remain of my once-extensive cassette tape collection. The sliding drawer fake-wood holders contain several cassingles (the inferior replacement for the 45RPM record) and the many mix tapes I can’t bear to part with. Most of the tapes I made myself, culling songs from friends collections, dubbing them from my own tapes and even, when desperate, recording them off of the radio. A few are from friends who also specialized in the magic of mix tapes. Two of them are from boyfriend #4. He was the only one of my boyfriends who ever made me mix tapes* and they were good, mostly because his taste in music was more sophisticated than my own. There’s a bit too much Frank Zappa, it’s true, but there are some real gems on those tapes, two of which are above and still hit me just the way they did when I first hear them: straight in the gut, weakening the knees.
Boyfriend #4 was a summer thing between freshman and sophomore years of college. He didn’t want to do the long-distance thing, so we broke up when I went back to school and he moved on to a woman named after a mountain in California, or–as I preferred to think of it–a brand of soda. That was rough on me, and I pined a bit, listening to the songs he had given me on a fairly regular basis. It occurs to me now that these two songs are perfect breakup songs, and I delight in how the object of my affection supplied me with the musical sustenance to get over him, right from the beginning of our relationship.
*Current boyfriend made me a mix CD at the beginning of our relationship, but in my mind, the mix CD is a completely different beast.