Three sentence movie reviews: Drive

First off, I must say that this movie has one of the best kisses I’ve ever seen in cinema, but I don’t think it’s worth it to watch the entire film just to see that 30 seconds of movie magic perfection.  This is because I hated this film and went on a long rant about “dick flicks” where I have a sneaking suspicion that two guys were just sitting around (possibly high) and saying stuff like, “it would be cool if there was this guy who was a mechanic and a stunt driver, but also a guy who drives for people committing crimes and there would be all this cool stuff like stunt driving and shooting and shit like that,” and then those guys get to make this movie and, frankly, it’s not a very good movie, but because the people who get movies made are men, and the people who review movies are men, it’s considered amazing.*  I actually found it gratuitously violent, once it really got going, and why exactly was I supposed to care about this guy, aside from the fact that he did the hamster Ryan Gosling thing with the sad eyes** the entire movie when he struck me as somewhat of a sociopath?

Cost:  free from library
Where watched: at home.

*at one point, this rant was working itself into an essay, but it never made it the full transition, so you just get to read a run-on sentence here.  But really?  This movie made me so mad I almost spit.
**see that?  He’s doing it right there in the poster.

Drafting new facings, cutting and basting

Here was the original plan for the facings, but I’ve got to make new ones due to arm area expansion.
It was easy enough though.
It’s important to star one’s cutting layout.
Bodice stuff that needed to be cut on the fold. 
Prepping my cutting area.
Have you seen the movie Unzipped, about Isaac Mizrahi’s fall 1994 collection?  It’s a great documentary.  And one thing I learned is that all the women making the fashion wear black all the time.  So I’m wearing all black in homage. Also because it’s rather cold today.
I really despise cutting out.  It might be better if I didn’t have to crawl all over the floor all the time.
After cutting out the underlining, I was to put out the main fabric…
…and lay my underlining pieces on top.
Then Gertie told me to carefully baste around each piece and then finish cutting out.  I suspect this is one of those things Gertie does because she likes to be careful.  I’m doing it, but it’s taking forever.
But look how pretty it looks when it’s done.
However, I needed to watch a movie to keep me occupied.  And when that movie was over, I was nowhere near done. Grrr.

Today I spent five hours working on this and I’m still not done with this week’s items.