Three sentence movie reviews: On the Road

I tried, once upon a time, to read this classic of mid-century literature and eventually discarded it, thinking, “You know what? These guys are jerks.”  And you know what came through loud and clear in the film version?  You guessed it:  these guys are jerks.*

Cost:  $4.00
Where watched:  Laurelhurst, with S. North.

*This book/movie is navel-gazing male literature/cinema at its finest.  Which for me means “most boring.”  Although there were fun period details and the cameos were interesting.

Postcards from Belarus and California

Is this not the greatest postcard from Belarus you’ve ever seen?  It’s from Dasha, who is a student, a future journalist.  She sincerely wishes me the eternal spring in my heart.
This postcard came from my friend Kelly, who was in LA to see the band Heart inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame.