Perhaps the most perfect TV series ever made about high school which manages to encompass in 18 episodes what most shows don’t manage to convey over years of airtime. This was just as good as the first time I watched it and I marveled again how each character–adults and teenagers–was fully formed and incredibly nuanced. I also fell in love with Busy Phillips’ amazing portrayal of concrete-covered-marshmallow Kim Kelly.
Cost: Free from library
Where watched: at home.
poster from:
*I feel it important to note that the teachers in this series are mostly of the grumpy and put-upon variety, not the “let’s make an inspiring movie” variety.
I've only seen the first episode so far. I can't get over how tiny "baby Sweets" (as I call him) is (the main kid). He's all grown up and on the TV show Bones now. Anyway, perhaps your post will inspire me to finally watch the rest of it.
I can recall my then-roommate being astounded at him. "I can't tell if he's a boy or a girl! He's got those big eyes and that tiny face!"
Watching it this time, I was amazed at how nuanced an actor he was, even for being 14. And I was thankful for the Vanity Fair photo shoot because I got to see him all grown up.
I so adore this show. Such a classic. I also watch Bones and I remember that first realization…omg, that's the kids from Freaks and Geeks.
The Vanity Fair photo shoot was sublime. I had forgotten just how successful these actors have become. So many of them going on to do other work.