Internet research has convinced me this is a wasp, and furthermore, that it’s a Yellow Jacket. At any rate, I have a very clear picture of it because it stuck itself to the window of the Max right next to the seat I was sitting in. I noticed it at Killingsworth and it rode with me for three more stops before I had to get off. I wonder where it was going?
Steadfast bee (or wasp?)
Internet research has convinced me this is a wasp, and furthermore, that it’s a Yellow Jacket. At any rate, I have a very clear picture of it because it stuck itself to the window of the Max right next to the seat I was sitting in. I noticed it at Killingsworth and it rode with me for three more stops before I had to get off. I wonder where it was going?
I love those clever insects. Just like the spider at the top of the Montreal Tower.
Haha! That wasp had places to go, people to see. Here in Texas we have these things called velvet ants. They're actually a wingless wasp, but it looks like the biggest damn, furry ant you've ever seen. Do a google image; it's pretty crazy.
Um, totally crazy.