Three sentence movie reviews: Sleepwalk with Me

I loved how this movie captured so well that confusing time post-college when so many mistakes are made on the way to becoming a fully functioning adult.  Lauren Ambrose was incredible as usual and Mike Birbiglia was a surprisingly good actor.  The supporting cast was also fabulous and I’m happy to report this was the rare case of a movie about stand-up comedy actually being funny.

Cost: $7.00
Where watched:  The beautiful gem Cinema 21, where not only do you not have to spend time waiting for the movie to begin attempting to ignore assualtive ads for television shows and video games the theater plays (I’m looking at you Regal Cinemas) you also don’t even have to watch a slide show of ads (which I don’t mind, but it was quite restful to just stare at a blank screen before the movie began.)

Also, I saw this with Matt and then the next week saw Mike Birbiglia at Live Wire! on Saturday and then Ira
Glass (who co-wrote) on Sunday!  How cool is that?

And! Plus!  Who knew all those years ago when I first heard this story on This American Life, that I would then read a book and see a movie about the same topic?

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