Three sentence movie reviews: The Hurt Locker

I knew this would be a tense film and I didn’t want it to keep me up late at night on a school night, so I came prepared with knitting to distract me.  This was a fine film, with fabulous performances by all and some excellent cinematography.  I’m quite glad it won best picture, even if it did take me over two years to see for myself.

Cost:  free from library
Where watched: at home.

3 thoughts on “Three sentence movie reviews: The Hurt Locker”

  1. I am terrified of watching this movie. It is so NFS I don't even like thinking about it. I'm glad you supported a female director, though!

  2. This movie spawned my as-yet-undiminished love for Jeremy Renner. It's a great film! I'm looking forward to watching it again as part of my Best Picture Winner movie project.

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