Due to the lack of access to drinking fountains and running water, I quickly became dehydrated. My solution? Buy two Nalgene bottles, fill them in the morning at home and drag them with me every day.
But then the whole BPA thing came about. I’m pretty sure these are old enough to be BPA bottles, but I can’t tell because the symbol on the bottom has rubbed off. So I finally got a new fancy glass water bottle and am retiring this one. Matt has just adopted it for rolling out his foot. The second water bottle I still use at school. I’ll look to replacing that one soon.
*Why are US residents so incredibly ignorant of their own country’s history? Because a lot of people hated history in high school. Every time I encounter someone who professes such hatred I ask them if their history teacher was a coach. There is always an amazed pause and they say, “How did you know that?” I know that because a lot of high schools fill their social studies positions with coaches. In fact, sometimes they advertise them this way. I couldn’t apply for a Social Studies position in the David Douglas school district because I could not also coach boys’ JV basketball. Hiring this way ensures all the coaching positions are filled, but are the best Social Studies teachers being hired? I think we have evidence that in most cases they are not.
Good-bye Nalgene. The SS teacher stereotype – so sad, but true. I think it is especially the case with the general history courses, where new teachers would likely be hired first. I missed out a on a lot of coaches because I was in advanced classes. I am so glad about that!