Three sentence movie reviews: Glee, the 3-D Concert Movie (in 2-D)

So this movie was not so engrossing as to pull me away from many various thoughts and wonderings* while watching, but for the ending of a stressful day when I forgot to take a full breath the entire time I was at work, this was perfect.  I loved seeing the actors perform (as opposed to acting like they are performing, which is what we see on the show,) like the moment when the actor who plays Blane finished singing and gave a short laugh of delight at the crowd’s reaction.  I also thought the stories told by the featured Glee fans were quite good.

*Examples of various thoughts and wonderings would be:

  • Has Brittany had implants?  It might be the top, but her breasts look rather big for her frame.
  • Do they Auto-Tune Quinn?
  • Do they 
    Auto-Tune  Santana?
  • I’m pretty sure they don’t 
    Auto-Tune  Rachel, and if they 
    Auto-Tune  Mercedes, I would be incredibly disappointed.
  • Are they really singing during this concert?  Really?  Maybe just the lead singer, the ones they don’t 
    Auto-Tune ?  Maybe the rest are lip syncing?
  • Man, if anyone won the “Glee lottery” it’s Finn: he’s old, he can’t really sing, he has amazingly normal looks and we all know he can’t dance that well.  Yet still, he’s a star and people love him, myself included.
  • What must their rehearsal and preparation schedule look like?  It’s probably pretty intense.
  • I could watch a whole movie of Brittany and Mike Chang dancing.
  • It’s over already? If I payed 3-D prices for this movie I would be annoyed that this is only an hour and 13 minutes total.

ps.  The name of this movie in the library catalogue is:  Glee, the 3-D Concert Movie.  And when you scroll down on the page it says, “2-D version”  So I delighted in telling people I saw Glee, the 3-D Concert Movie in 2-D

One thought on “Three sentence movie reviews: Glee, the 3-D Concert Movie (in 2-D)”

  1. I really did ponder seeing this movie as well. The actual concert came here and I really wanted to see it. It just didn't happen.

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