First off, let me reassure you that in 2044, women are still wearing high heels.* This movie constantly surprised me, went to a few dark places I had no idea were coming and was a thoughtful, well-acted,** action-packed piece that I really loved. That said, given what I know of the people around me who are parents, especially of young children, you might want to do a little research and see if you really want to see this movie before you go.
Cost: free due to movie passes
Where watched: Regal City Center 12, Vancouver. And let me tell you, that theater was the opposite of a hip, happening place on a Friday night. I’m a bit worried for its future.
poster from:
*I would like to think we will evolve past them at some point, but not any time soon, according to this movie.
**Joseph Gordon-Levitt! Bruce Willis! And, totally unexpectedly, Emily Blunt!