There’s a Christmas song that purports that Christmas time is the most wonderful time of the year. I enjoy Christmas, but that holiday is a lot of work. MY favorite time of the year is when my tax return comes.
I ignore all the financial advice in books and have the government withhold more than they should to ensure I get a good refund. I know that I could do a savings program of my own, but quite frankly, interest rates are pretty much non-existent so it’s not like I’m losing much interest. And it’s just more fun to get a huge chunk of cash at once. I use it to put aside money for Christmas and the meat purchase and I buy big-ticket things I’ve been needing which usually means a pair of shoes. And then I buy big-ticket things I’ve been wanting. This year: Knife sharpening kit.
Also: potato ricer. In this case I riced the last of the potatoes I grew into mashed potatoes for Easter dinner. The cookies were the Easter Bunny treats for everyone.