Three sentence movie reviews: Life After Tomorrow

Someone once told me there was a documentary about the girls who were in Annie and a post at the library blog prompted me to put the movie on reserve. I didn’t see a stage version of Annie until I was in my twenties, but the movie–and the movie soundtrack–was a big part of my childhood. It was fascinating to hear the stories of the girls in the Broadway show and on tour; some details were a bit horrifying (ten-year-olds at Studio 54! Where were their parents?) and some girls clearly never got over washing out at twelve, but the subject was fascinating and made the ending song particularly bittersweet.

2 thoughts on “Three sentence movie reviews: Life After Tomorrow”

  1. This sounds very interesting. Every Halloween for much of my elementary school years there was at least 1 Annie! What an interesting idea for a film (the Studio 54 bit makes me raise an eyebrow).

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