The last of the pub quiz questions. How are you doing? If only you had a team to depend on.

16. The city of Boise, Idaho supposedly came by its name when a French speaking guide, overwhelmed by weeks in the desert-style terrain of what is now called southern Idaho, saw signs of what is now called the Boise river and was overcome, yelling “The Blank! The Blank!” What word, or it’s English translation was he shouting?

17. The original trivial pursuit game had the following colors of pie: blue, pink, yellow, brown, green & orange. The original categories were: Art & Literature, Entertainment, Geography, History, Science & Nature, Sports and Leisure. Match at least two colors to their correct categories.

18. The planet Uranus, aside from giving people the opportunity to say “
heh” on a regular basis, has 27 moons all named after characters of William Shakespeare and also Alexander Pope. Which of the following list of characters from Shakespeare is not also a moon of Uranus? Anne, Bianca, Cordelia, Desdemona, Margaret, Oberon
Bonus: Match any of the characters listed to their play. Maximum 2 points.
19. Rob Thomas, creator of the television series Veronica Mars, originally wrote a teen detective novel with a male protagonist whose father was a Vice Principal at the high school he attended in Austin, Texas. For the television series he changed the unnamed teenage detective from a male to a named female, Veronica Mars, and the setting to Neptune California. He also changed the father’s occupation. In the television series, what was Keith Mars’ occupation?
20. This Author was born April 8, 1955 in Annapolis, MD, though she grew up in rural Kentucky. She has published novels such as The Bean Trees and Pigs in Heaven, essays such as High Tide in Tucson, as well as non-fiction books. One of her books was chosen as an Oprah’s Book Club book, another became a best-seller about eating locally. What is this author’s name?
The dreaded fill in. Or: It could be anything!
“Nothing Gold Can Stay”
Robert Frost
Nature’s first _________ is gold,
Her hardest hue to hold.
Her early leaf’s a ________;
But only so an hour.
Then leaf subsides to ______.
So ________ sank to grief,
So dawn goes down to ________.
Nothing gold can stay.
Answers below:
16. Bois! Trees!
All the Boise people know this story like the back of their hand. Although I think in French I learned the word is “boit” meaning “forest.” I think.
17. Blue: Geography, Pink: Entertainment, Yellow: History, Brown: Arts & Literature, Green: Science & Nature, Orange: Sports and Leisure
There were apparently a goodly number of Trivial Pursuit players as all teams were able to match two.
18. Anne (Richard III) does not have a moon named after her.
The rest do and they are from:
Bianca, (Taming of the Shrew)
Cordelia (King Lear)
Desdemona (Othello),
Margaret (Much Ado About Nothing)
Oberon (A Midsummer Night’s Dream)
The bonus question that was easier than the original question. Nearly every team correctly identified two characters in their plays. Nearly all picked Cordelia and Desdemona.
19. Private Investigator, Sheriff.
A question to reward those who love this show.
20. Barbara Kingsolver
This was one of those questions that I think would have had less correct answers with at a real pub quiz. My “pub” was packed with well-read women and I bet nearly every one of them had read at least one book by Kingsolver. My guess is the usual pub quiz crowd would not have that same demographic.
Fill in:
The dreaded fill in.
“Nothing Gold Can Stay”
Robert Frost
Nature’s first GREEN is gold,
Her hardest hue to hold.
Her early leaf’s a FLOWER;
But only so an hour.
Then leaf subsides to LEAF.
So EDEN sank to grief,
So dawn goes down to DAY.
Nothing gold can stay.
As with everything, this is so much easier when you know the poem. Most teams got two or three points from this. The best rhyme was from the Wasabi Honey Bears who felt the line was “Then leaf subsides to Omar Sharif“
Scoring: Two points for each right answer on the questions, one or two points for the bonus question, five points for the fill in. Total points possible this page: 17.
Post your scores. And thank you for playing.
pictures from:,_Idaho
Les Bois! Les Bois! Voyez les Bois! I am not looking at the answers, but I had to put that in from the moment I saw the question…
That was a good round for me. Q16, Q17, Q18 plus one bonus, Q19 (A long time ago, we used to be friends…but I haven't thought of you lately…), Q20. That makes 11. Plus the original 14. 25 points solo!
Well done! Did you do the fill in?