As you will no doubtably have read over in this post, I have completed my mission of getting the curtains up. Yay me! I was (again) a day over as I apparently needed the entire week off of work before I could bother to sit down and actually get the curtains prettied up and put on the wall. Yep, I did an hour’s worth of work on Tuesday, then nothing until a few hours on Saturday and more hours on Sunday.
Month: November 2011
Three sentence movie reviews: Hugo 3-D
This was well acted, very pretty to look at, had an interesting plot and was, alas, very slow. This was also the first modern 3-D movie I’ve seen and I found the 3-D to be a very distracting experience. “More like a Viewmaster, than actual 3-D” the person behind me commented and I couldn’t agree more.
Bigger bread
I found a pretty good “no knead” bread recipe, but it gave me two “bricks” or small flat loaves. Not exactly what I’m looking for for sandwiches and the like. Then I remembered my mother mentioning that she never could figure out how my grandmother’s biscuits always came out so large until she realized her mother doubled the recipe and cut out the number for one recipe. I combined my two loaves into one and got a big loaf. See it there, on the left, as compared to its earlier friends on the right.
It was a little too big, as evidenced by this ooze. I’ll make 2/3 of the recipe next time and see if that makes a difference.
Three sentence movie reviews: Heroes Season 1
I had to start knitting again because I needed to somehow feel productive while watching,say, four straight episodes of this series. It also caused me to break my “watch one disk and then back to the library” rule because it was just so damn good. Though I was quite disappointed in the final episode, what came before was amazing in a way I haven’t seen on a network series in forever–if ever.*
Just one thing: Supply Shop done
Three sentence movie reviews: Singles
Hit with a massive wall of nostalgia from watching Pearl Jam 20, I had an intense craving to watch this movie, which I own. Alas, I own it only on videocassette and our DVD/VCR combo player bit the dust, only to be replaced by a DVD-only player necessitating me ordering this movie on DVD from the library. It’s been several years since I have seen it, but I still enjoyed it as this is a movie I can’t be objective about–it has changed in my mind from a movie to a “conduit to visit emotional states from many different points over a good decade or so of your life.”
There are a lot of good things about my job: I get full medical and dental benefits paid for, I get copious amounts of vacation, I get a reduced schedule during the summer and I enjoy the people I work with. But some of the best perks are the random gifts from children. In this case, Leo and Cian decided they wanted to make hot chocolate mix for all the teachers, etc. So they came around with order forms after school one day and we all placed our order. The next day I was greeted with a delightful package of homemade hot chocolate mix.
Thanks Leo and Cian, for making my day.
Just one thing: Corn stored.
Pub Quiz Questions 11-15
More questions from the 10 Years in Portland pub quiz. How are you doing?
Pub Quiz Questions 16-20, plus the dreaded fill in.
The last of the pub quiz questions. How are you doing? If only you had a team to depend on.
19. Rob Thomas, creator of the television series Veronica Mars, originally wrote a teen detective novel with a male protagonist whose father was a Vice Principal at the high school he attended in Austin, Texas. For the television series he changed the unnamed teenage detective from a male to a named female, Veronica Mars, and the setting to Neptune California. He also changed the father’s occupation. In the television series, what was Keith Mars’ occupation?
20. This Author was born April 8, 1955 in Annapolis, MD, though she grew up in rural Kentucky. She has published novels such as The Bean Trees and Pigs in Heaven, essays such as High Tide in Tucson, as well as non-fiction books. One of her books was chosen as an Oprah’s Book Club book, another became a best-seller about eating locally. What is this author’s name?