Demo of Satyricon

I knew that the Macdonald Center bought the building that housed the club Satyricon and were going to use it to house what used to be Outreach Ministry, before Outreach was absorbed into the Macdonald Center. I know all of this because Matt did a Jesuit Volunteer Year with Outreach and our friend Laurie works there still. What I didn’t realize was that the existing building would be torn down. This is because Outreach has existed in what I refer to as “the unfortunately painted building” in Old Town for quite some time. It’s a bit rough around the edges, so I just assumed that they would perhaps repaint the black facade and move everyone in. So it was quite a surprise to encounter this as I walked from the Max to work:

Even though I’m a great supporter of re-using and re-purposing existing structures, something about demolition of buildings nearly always is exciting to watch. Here we can see the last few hours in the life of the doorway.

And here a view of the back side of the building. I hadn’t realized it was as big as it was.

I’m unsure of how this graffito came to be on this wall, but now it is exposed for all to see.

To read more about Satyricon and the new building click here for an Oregonian article. (Demolition begins on building that once housed Satyricon Nightclub. July 27, 2011.)

And here is a link about the final concert at Satyricon. (Portland Nightclub Satyricon says farewell with series of reunion shows. October 16, 2010)

Three sentence movie reviews: Fever Pitch

Just as I enjoyed this upon its release, so did I enjoy this re-viewing. I had forgotten, however, that it was a Farrelly Brother’s movie, as it doesn’t really fit into their famously gross boy humor style. Drew Barrymore is always a delight and I quite enjoyed Jimmy Fallon, who I think doesn’t get to act in movies any more after Taxi and several other “eh” movies.