Three sentence movie reviews: The Pacifier

So this was a dumb movie, no two ways about it. I did find the plot point including the Peter Panda dance pretty clever, but the kids were annoyingly snotty, the pacing was slow, the jokes were mostly dumb and even the presence of Vin Diesel could not save this movie. I did, however, manage to finish the scarf I’ve been (not) knitting for five years, so something good came of it.

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Three sentence movie reviews: The Time Traveler’s Wife

Had I not read this cleverly structured book, this would have been an okay movie. But unfortunately, I had and found this to be a pale imitation of the drama and pathos of the book, which I recommend you read (even you men!) The acting was good, and I was gleefully delighted to spot Alba for the first time, but if you must chose between the experiences, I recommend you skip the movie and read the book.

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