This was a bit boring, and I did nod off during the movie. However, the chemistry was quite good between Jane and Mr. Rochester (whom I have just realized played Magneto in X-Men First Class–that guy is suddenly in everything) and I thought the acting was well done on all parts. It was rather sedately paced, good for knitting, I think.
poster from:
Um, the spell check in Blogger just steered me to the correct spelling of Magneto’s name. Why would it recognize a character in X-Men and not the flowers borage and calendula? Is Magneto also a word?
As it tuns out, yes. defines it as such:
a small electric generator with an armature that rotates in a magnetic field provided by permanent magnets, as a generator supplying ignition current for certain types of internal combustion engines or a hand-operated generator for telephone signaling.
Now we know.