Tuesday 5/10/11
You would probably guess by the lack of posts this week, but I’ve been very conflicted about the 20MPDC. I haven’t been doing anything, as the lack of reporting (none this week) attests. Should I throw in the towel? Switch my focus? Pretend I never embarked on this journey?
Here’s what I’ve decided to do:
Knife sharpening. On hold until I save up enough money to get some equipment.
Craigslist posting. I’ve been holding steady at $8.00 worth of sales for a month now. I’m going to set this aside and then come back to it at the end of May. Then things will be priced to go. I’ve also been contemplating having a garage sale instead of posting each item for very cheap individually.
Harvest Helper. This is what I’m putting my main effort into. I want to have the blog done by the end of this month and start handing out the flyers in early June.
20 minutes. I set my timer for 20 minutes, then it goes off and then I still have to post, making this an event longer than 20 minutes. I will set my timer for 15 minutes, then spend five minutes reporting the day’s efforts.