Three sentence movie review: The Social Network.

I’m deeply divided about this movie so you are getting six sentences, three each from two different perspectives.

From the general movie going public perspective:

This was just a fabulously gripping movie. From the first scene to the last the creation of the Internet site that changed all of our lives is mesmerizing–and we are talking about a lot of coding, i.e. people staring at screens. Top notch acting by everyone, especially the “we must see more of him” Jesse Eisenberg.

From a slightly-aware female perspective:

Where are the women? The movie starts with a great female character, but she quickly exits stage left and the women we see are reduced to object status (or slightly unhinged girlfriends.) Surely there must have been a few women involved in some aspect of the creation of Facebook

outside of the interns and the young things with flat stomachs for Sean Parker to snort cocaine off of?

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3 thoughts on “Three sentence movie review: The Social Network.”

  1. I am intrigued by this movie. I don't think I will pay for the full movie prices but I will get it on DVD. Thanks for the review. So is it safe to say you liked it but did not like the portrayal of women in it? Could it just be the guys who came up with the idea of facebook are total jacka_ _ es and they really did repel every kind of female around? Just a thought I have not seen it yet just taking a stab at the dark based only on my experience of dealing with the techno geek squad at Best Buy that seriously chap my hide every time I have to interact with them!!!

  2. Sometimes I get frustrated watching movies because the vast majority of them have little for women to do except be vessels. However, if I want to enjoy movies, I need to divorce myself from this fact or I would rarely like a movie. For some reason, the lack of females in this film really irked me, although it may be that Facebook's genesis had little-to-no female aspect to it. Thinking back over this director's movies, it seems he rarely includes female perspectives. That he makes stunning movies is great, I just wish they weren't so male centered. Or that there were an equal number of stunning, critically acclaimed movies that were female centered.

  3. We have been debating about seeing this movie, at our house. I feel really ambiguous about it. It seems like it was really created for a demographic that I don't belong to.

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