Enterprise: More sights.

I’m guessing Enterprise is cold in the winter as many houses (and businesses) had firewood stacked outside.

If you come to the VFW, you can also pick up your Avon order.

On Sunday morning I discovered the other part of the Fairgrounds. Here is the grandstand.

And here is the sign that is near the 4-H building where I bet we could have seen some good crafts.

This tiny building houses an important function.

It’s the DMV!

Imagine my delight when I peeked in the window and saw three chairs to wait in. Next to those three chairs? A “take a number” machine. I guess lines can be long even in the tiny Enterprise DMV.

Downtown Enterprise.

The library.

Our motel which was clean and nice and had a huge bathroom because we had the handicapped room.

A B&B around the corner from our motel.

2 thoughts on “Enterprise: More sights.”

  1. I want you to come with me on my next trip. Wherever that may be, it will be better with you as my guide! Remind me to send you the picture I took at our county fair of the glass case containing miniature crocheted replicas of all the first ladies' innaugural gowns up to Laura Bush. Just wait till you see Nancy Reagan. . .

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