Also known as the “wander” day.
I started with church at All Soul’s Church, Unitarian, in the Adams Morgan neighborhood. I walked there from Jenna’s place and enjoyed seeing the urban setting. Adams Morgan reminded me of Boston, a bit.
Church was great. Their choir was small (perhaps a summer choir) and had the most amazing cantor. I connected with the sermon, At Theodore Parker’s Grave, in which the minister “outed” himself as a Unitarian nerd. You can listen to it by going here and scrolling down to June 28.After church I wandered down to the start of my walking tour through DuPont Circle and Kalorama. On the way I discovered this Adams Morgan Heritage Trail, which I followed for a bit. I wish I would have known about these Heritage Trails in the planning stage. I would have made a point to follow them. There are nine of them! For those who are planning trip to DC, you can find the information here.
On that trail, I saw this spot. You may not recognize it right off, but what if I said “March 30, 1981?” How about “Washington Hilton?” What if I said “John Hinckley?”
Did you get it? It is the site of the assassination attempt on Ronald Reagan!
I had some time to kill, before I went on the Textile Museum’s tour, so I spent it in this park, reading. That was a nice respite.There are tons of huge houses in this area. Most are embassies, but you could purchase this one for me, if you would like.
Also on this day, I visited the Phillips Collection and Jenna and I went out to dinner at the Brickskeller Inn, where they have a multi-paged beer menu.
I always find it a little fun to go to a new church on vacation. It can be a little scary if it doesn't gel with your church mojo, but always a fun adventure. I love the Brickskellar. I took my dad there once, it was great! -S