I first noticed this house when it was being renovated. It is a huge and beautiful house with a huge and beautiful double lot. I had plans to buy it and take in foster children and we would have a huge garden. They would learn self-sufficiency skills, I would get to run a large household–without giving birth to any children, the house would be full of life and all would be right with the world. Alas, it seems they are dividing the lot and putting in more houses. I’m a fan of infill, just not sometimes when it keeps me from double lots where I could have a stupendous garden.
I love that plan! And that house! Oh I just read something about the absolute! overuse of exclamation marks in our moderns time. I just can't help myself! I like to exclaim as much as I can. This comment is taking a birdwalk and I am going to let it! -S
Hey, I know this house – it's down the block from my friend's house. Your plan was a very good one. They are well on their way with the other two houses, though.
I rode by the other day and was astounded at how quickly those houses went up.