Enterprise Cemetery

For the Sunday early morning walk, I visited the cemetery. You knew I couldn’t resist. This was a great cemetery, with tremendous views.

One thing I didn’t like was this columbarium’s practice of putting the wives’ maiden names in quotes, as if they were Mafia nicknames. Here we have Steve “The Rifleman” Flemmi, and over here we have Myrna “StubblefieldWitherrite. To me, the quotes around the maiden name imply fakery, as if they women weren’t really people until they took their husband’s last name.
This cemetery provides picnic tables.

What a view!

I liked the fact that this gravestone mentioned that they were the parents of JD, Debbie, Tammy & Eddie.

It’s not often that I see statuary plopped down on a gravestone. Also, the husband’s name is Lenthal, which is an awesome name. I figured it was unique enough that I might get a hit when I Googled it and I did:

Bollman Funeral Home”

The Bollman Funeral Home is located in the beautiful Wallowa Valley of NE Oregon with roots going back 80 years. As in the past Lee A. Bollman and Lenthal A. Bollman III strive to offer personalized service as did their parents

I was interested in the Latin phrase “Dum Tacet Clamat” on this gravestone. It turns out to be the motto of the Woodman of the World which was a fraternal insurance-benefit society which still exists today.

An excerpt from a Tennyson poem adorns this grave.

His wife has a quote that is reminiscent of Herman Melville’s “Life’s a voyage that’s homeward bound.”

There were some very old graves (for a western state) in the cemetery including this one from 1917.

This is an even older grave, from 1904. Mr. Zurcher was also a veteran of the Civil War.

1891 was the oldest grave I found.

Next to the Reverend William Owneby lies the wife of Rev. William Owneby. This is totally reflective of the times, but still makes me cringe. To be fair, her first name is carved on the top, it just is hard to read. No birth date though. Just when she died.
I enjoy coming across these survey markers.

Sights from Enterprise

During my vacation, I’ve been resetting my sleep schedule. This involves getting up at 5:00 in the morning. When one resets their sleep schedule, one still has to get up at 5:00 in the morning, even when visiting far away Eastern Oregon. My mom and I were sharing a room, so I would get up at 5:00 and go for a long walk around Enterprise. Here are some sights I saw.

What exactly is a “Homestyle” Laundromat and Car Wash? Do you bring in large piles of stinky laundry and eat a meal and watch TV while your mother cleans your clothes? Is there a hose and bucket of soapy water to wash your car with? Sometimes I wonder about people’s choices for signs.

This picture is actually from later in the day. Wallowa Lake.

A peak in my bag. My ipod, a book on apple trees, water and a honey bear I purchased in Joseph at the Farmer’s Market are all visible.

I liked the teacups on the door. It turned out that we ate here the next morning.

Back to the early morning walk. On this morning, my goal was to find as many churches as I could.

If I were Shawn and Sara, I’d know what this statue configuration outside the church was called.

The church itself.

A sign in front of the church that struck me as funny.

I walked out near the airport, where I also found the LDS church, and found this view of the mountains.

The moon was just beginning to set.

If memory serves, this was the playground for the Assembly of God Church.

Look at the amazing view they have from their swings.

Also on this day, I found the elementary school and attempted unsuccessfully to find the high school. I did find a baseball field and basketball court, as well as a skateboarding park.

Friday Night in Enterprise

In order to visit 6 Ranch, the MAunts and I had to stay in Enterprise over the weekend. After a long drive across the state, we arrived on a Friday night.

I was excited to see a Benson Bubbler here! As the sign explains, this is one of the few that is located outside of Portland.

Enterprise is the county seat of Wallowa County.

Four lovely ladies in front of the Wallowa County Pioneers Memorial.

It was the weekend of the county fair! We went. It was a very, very small county fair that seemed to have 4-H and not much else. Not even food carts!

I did snap a photo of this sheep’s snazzy coat.

More sheep.

After dinner, we retired to our motel and played a few card games, then turned in for the evening.

Three sentence movie reviews–Kiss Kiss, Bang Bang

I really liked this movie when it was first released; like the critic from the Willamette Week I would have married it if I could. So I was surprised at how unattached I was during this viewing. There are some memorable lines and the voice over thing, which could have gone so badly, is so, so good; overall I would say, if you haven’t seen it do, if you have, stay content with your memories.

Bechdel rating. Has two women: nope.

poster from: http://www.impawards.com/2005/kiss_kiss_bang_bang_ver2.html

Three sentence movie reviews–Lonesome Jim

Not as bad as the movie where Casey Affleck plays a slightly dumb landscaper, but almost. The best part of this movie was the preview for Clerks II. The movie itself perpetuates the belief that really stupid people live in small towns, as well as having an ending that had me crying, “Nooooooooo!” when I know the writer wanted me to feel happy.

Bechdel rating: Two women: nope.

Books read in July

Vacation reading combined with a new permaculture obsession made this a quite-fruitful month of reading. Also, it was hot and I had some trouble sleeping.


J Pod
Douglas Copeland
Disappointing. Copeland gets all meta on us and both the storyline and the writing style are lacking. My favorite Copeland books have characters who care about others. They might be whacked out quirky and odd, but their emotions are familiar. This book had neither of these qualities. The author inserting himself into the narrative in a very “heh heh” way did nothing to redeem this story line.

These is my words
Nancy E Turner
A really good novel of a hard-as-nails Arizona pioneer woman. The kind of frontier book I grew up reading, but seems to not be a current feature of adult fiction. In the first 50 pages, Sarah Prine encounters tragedy enough to break you and me, but she perseveres. Written in journal fashion, and supposedly based on one of the author’s relatives, it can be a bit unbelievable in places (i.e. train robbery) but the main character’s voice kept me reading to the end.

Earth User’s Guide to Permaculture
Rosemary Morrow
A bit too much information for the potential peraculturalist with a back yard instead of a back 40, but very thorough and clear in its teachings. The author is Australian, which means that many of the species she uses for examples are not really ones I as an Oregonian would choose, but it’s fun to hear her discuss how planting this or that plant will encourage the kangaroos and the wallabies.

Getting started in Permaculture
Ross and Jenny Mars
Many (over 50 according to the cover) different projects you could do to encourage your permaculture garden. Some are simple, like converting milk jugs into scoops and some are more complicated, like making paper. The authors want you to reuse, so many of these projects could be free or cheap. However, the book is written by Australians and the metric systems references can be confusing. I don’t blame them for this confusion, I blame the US and our inability to make the transition the rest of the world has. We put a man on the moon but….

Gaia’s Garden
Toby Hemenway
This author lives in Oregon and so the plant suggestions were good for me. A guide that is less of a textbook and more of a back yard users guide to permaculture. It gives a thorough lesson in ecology and how the different systems fit together. Highly recommended. This is the first edition, the second edition currently has over 80 holds at the library. This may be one to purchase.

The Urban Homestead: your guide for self-sufficient living in the city
Kelly Coyne & Erik Knutzen
These are my people! They discuss growing your own food in your tiny city lot, sure, but they also thoroughly explore foraging(!), chickens and other livestock(!), greywater systems(!), transportation(!) solar cooking(!) as well as canning, fermenting, cheese making, bread making, and creating your own cleaning products. Their tone is informational, not preachy and at times the two authors discuss why they disagree about a subject, such as starting from seed vs. buying starts. Rarely do I finish a book from the library and want to purchase it. But this is jam packed with information and I will be spending my hard-earned cash. This is a rare five-star review. I love this book!

Landscape you can eat
Allan A. Swenson
An older book, but one with good information about choosing and planting fruit trees in your backyard. Some of the information is out of date, but the author’s enthusiasm is the best part of the book.

Landscaping with fruit: a homeowners guide
Lee Reich
Filled with lovely photos that will make you want to go out and buy a bunch of fruit trees and vines to fill your backyard. Each fruit featured includes how to care for it, its basic needs, how much fruit you can expect as well as the authors three point scale rating. There are also some plans for incorporating fruit into different kinds of backyards: suburban house, child’s garden, etc.

Renewing Salmon Nation’s Food Traditions: a RAFT list of food species and heirloom varieties
Gary Paul Nabhan, ed.
From Cascade Moose to Octopus to Thimble berry, Eel grass, Oregon White Truffle and Bing Cherries, find the foods of Salmon Nation. This slim guide discusses the domesticated crops, sea foods and wild foods of Salmon Nation (roughly: Northern California, Oregon, Washington and British Columbia.) Each entry gives the common and botanical name, the habitat range, the items availability and if it is at risk. There are also mini-essays scattered throughout the book. A bit depressing, if you are just reading it (“At risk.” “Culturally at risk.” “Endangered as a Food Tradition.”) however, it is quite invaluable if you are looking to locate some traditional food traditions in your own landscape.

I have to confess that my favorite part of this book is the last page which has a full color RAFT (Renewing America’s Food Traditions) Regional Map of North America’s Place-Based Food Traditions. While I live in Salmon Nation, I grew up in Pinyon Nut Nation, have lived in Clambake Nation, Bison Nation and just came back from a visit to Corn Bread & BBQ Nation. The map explains that it features “totem foods” and goes on to say: “These totem foods are more than important commodities–community feasts, household rituals, song, stories, and the nutritional well-being of residents have revolved around these foods for centuries.” Cool.

The basics of permaculture design
Ross Mars
A slender book with nicely drawn illustrations about incorporating permaculture into your landscape. The information included is good and solid and won’t overwhelm you. The book also has a chapter with tips to incorporate permaculture education into schools. There is a chapter on urban permaculture and I learned that every permaculture land should have, at minimum, worms, bees and chickens.

Started but did not finish
Until I Find You
John Irving
I’ve read 250 pages of this book. I slogged through the “looking for the father in tattoo parlors across Europe” portion but I’m not going to make it though the “entirely inappropriate interactions across many years between a boy and a girl six years older than him” section. Every time I start to read, all I can think is “Hello! Child abuse! Molestation!” I’m tired of feeling uncomfortable and it has been more than 100 pages. I’ve given up the hope of moving on to another phase of the story and am moving on.

Did not even start
I started everything this month!

Poem for July: The New Colossus

The New Colossus
Emma Lazarus

Not like the brazen giant of Greek fame,
With conquering limbs astride from land to land;
Here at our sea-washed, sunset gates shall stand
A mighty woman with a torch, whose flame
Is the imprisoned lightning, and her name
Mother of Exiles. From her beacon-hand
Glows world-wide welcome; her mild eyes command
The air-bridged harbor that twin cities frame.
“Keep, ancient lands, your storied pomp!” cries she
With silent lips. “Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!”

I had a passing “thing” for the Statue of Liberty in the 1980’s. It coincided with Lady Liberty’s one-hundredth anniversary. Because of my fascination, I liked this poem, though, like most people, I was very familiar with the last five lines and not well acquainted with the beginning.

I chose this poem because it is short (my first sonnet!) and I got started late this month, due to my vacation. It is also July, which lends itself to patriotic poems.

In memorizing this poem, I really fell in love with it. In it’s brief lines it really encompasses what I love about the United State of America. In fact, when I was memorizing it, I sometimes had to not think too deeply about the meaning of the poem because if I did, I would choke up.

Now that this poem is lodged in my brain, I love it even more. On the page it is jerky and choppy. When I speak it, the whole thing just flows.

Trivia bonus: the “twin harbors” Lazarus refers to are Brooklyn and Manhattan.

Bus tip: Think about where the people who get on after you are going to need to get to.

The gentleman sitting on the steps made it very difficult to get onto the upper part of the Max train today. Misuse of space on a crowded Max train is one of my biggest pet peeves of the collective nature of public transportation. Rule of thumb: if you are standing in front of a space that people might like to stand, be ready to move aside at a moment’s notice.

I happened to be carrying a big bag and two large rolls of curtain-making material and I wasn’t a bit sorry when, after he refused to get up, those things hit him as I moved by him. I didn’t do it purposefully, let’s just say that I wasn’t as careful as I might have been if he hadn’t been so rude.