Pictures from my entirely unnecessary walk. It was the first day in awhile that I could go out without being 1)totally bundled up 2)able to walk without navigating through the snow and/or ice.
I like how this house looks like it is striving to be the tallest house ever. It reminds me of when you measure the height of children and they stand up very straight, then stick their necks up as high as they can and then stand on their toes.
This house wants to say hello to you. Do you think it was meant to be this anthropomorphic?
Ducks! Someday I want ducks!

Someone helpfully (hah!) provided a couch so you can watch the traffic go by.
If you sat there, you would get this noisy view.
This is my favorite house on Montana street. I love the house itself, the color, things in the yard and all the little details that make it cool.
Nice decorations are everywhere around the house.
And you can see through the chicken wire gate to the chicken-house like extension. Fabulous!

How fun! -S