When I last visited Pike Schemes in 2015, we visited the 5-8 Club for their Juicy Lucy. Thus it followed that on this visit, we should go to Matt’s Bar & Grill to have their Jucy Lucy.
Aside from a different spelling, Matt’s Bar is not one for a lot of choices. You get your Jucy Lucy with American Cheese. You can get some fries and beer too. It’s cash only. There aren’t plates, though the fries come in a basket.
And you know what? It’s my winner in the Juicy/Jucy Lucy rivalry. That is one good burger.
After our dinner, Sara and I visited Glam Doll Donuts, where I got a donut with cookie dough, and Sara got that fluffy confection sitting next to the milk. I found my donut to be a bit too much, even for double-dessert me. I still ate it, though. Sara enjoyed her concoction.
Oh that’s my kind of eating day!
Ha ha! Of course it is…I planned it!
All that food looks so good! It’s making my tummy rumble. I’m a dork so whenever I see a business that shares my name or the name of someone I know, I think (and often say aloud), “It’s your [business]!” So I thought that about your Matt. I have an adult books store in West LA, lol.